Monday, April 30, 2012

Destructive stress

destructive stress - something mentally or physically sensed which directs an individual or group away from that for which they were ultimately capable.

I haven't come up with an appropriate visual representation for this one either. But for the purposes of describing my experience with social consciousness I will use it.

The idea for this originally came from an engineering definition I came across around 2005. I have not been able to find the source yet. it may have been called "facilitative stress" . the closest definition to date is

Constructive Stress

constructive stress - something mentally or physically sensed which directs an individual or group Toward that for which they were ultimately designed.

This image cannot be fully appreciated without context. In 2005 I created a diagram in which it illustrated the interaction between one social group with a subgroup.

The idea for this originally came from an engineering definition I came across around 2005. I have not been able to find the source yet. it may have been called "facilitative stress" . the closest definition to date is

Friday, April 27, 2012

What is a belief?


belief - anything within the content of cognition that is held as true.

There is something really interesting about a believed concept. I mean when viewing the idea of a concept in 3 dimensions its as if the figure stretches over the ground like a membrane (see previous definitions relating to concept development). This membrane acts like a filter absorbing percepts and experiences which relate and deflecting the ones that don't.

I have observed that once believed we no longer consider it to be anything but true, rejecting any assertions which reject it.

I am still working on this definition.
definition derived from a number of sources  Merriam-Webster, Visual Thesaurus and one other currently unknown.

What is a concept? Figure & ground

ground - is a homogenous group of related percepts, experiences or thoughts

figure - a single often separate percept or experience is identified and whose nature is linked in someway to the grouped percepts (ground)

concept - (as figure & ground) - is a unified mental construction of figure and ground, a superimposition of mental images occurs in which a single percept or experience (figure) becomes the object of attention against a relatively homogenous background of related percepts and experiences (ground)

definitions derived from a number of sources  Merriam-Webster, Visual Thesaurus and one other currently unknown.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


percept - is a basic component in the formation of a concept. It's a single mental representation obtained through the basic physical senses; what is felt, seen, heard, smelled, or tasted. sense datum

definition derived from a number of sources  Merriam-Webster, Visual Thesaurus and one other currently unknown.

Experience & cognition

experience - related percepts obtained through one or more of the senses. It may be something observed or something lived through. The result of experience is or tends towards knowledge and understanding.

content of cognition - is the content about which we are thinking (thought): a varied combination or array of percepts and experiences, feelings, concepts, beliefs, values, and intuitions.

cognition (thought) - is the activity with which the mind engages, moving from percept to percept, identifying similarities and patterns making connections and determinations, inferencing and judgments.

consciousness - is a complex mental state in which we are aware like an internal set of eyes (or mind's eye) capable of seeing simultaneously, our thoughts (content of cognition) and their processes (reasoning), ourselves, and the environment around us, including intuition.

Intuition - relates to the periphery of ones consciousness and the extent of ones ability to sense the background of percepts which are in someway faintly connected with the percepts around which one is thinking (content of cognition). It may refer to a non-preferenced percept or a percept related in some way to a previously generated concept.

feeling - is a vague mental sense of recognition for the marked percepts which lie at the periphery of ones awareness. This mark will indicate whether a percept is comfortable or uncomfortable, painful or pleasurable, desirable or revolting.

definitions derived from a number of sources  Merriam-Webster, Visual Thesaurus and one other currently unknown.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The above table is the first in series of definitions I put together in 2005. I found that if I laid out all the information about each definition in front of me I could mentally synthesize them. The incentive was that I not only wanted to understand how I thought but that I wanted to explain some of the more complex thoughts I had concerning subjects of wisdom, truth, belief, & social consciousness.

From these definitions I was able to give form to the homogenous background of information of which I could not make sense (intuition).

definition derived from a number of sources  Merriam-Webster, Visual Thesaurus and one other currently unknown. images designed using MS Visio

Friday, April 20, 2012

The above image is an example of a methodology I developed for documenting my experience working with forms.

Each sphere represents a percept (or collection of percepts); a mental snapshot or thought. Originally I did it all on paper, then discovered MS Visio. The thing was, was that I could already see it in my head; the program just helped me show it. It was a great way to map spin off ideas, questions, errors and potential deviations. I did time audits, counted the number of steps, etc…). The biggest benefit was that you could show the most efficient method of getting from point A to point B within a given form. Some programs were monstrous to map like giant oaks, when all that was needed was a sampling.

The way I think is that I work outward and so when I map my thoughts they appear radial. that's why the mapping begins at the bottom of the page and works away from me.