Monday, June 18, 2012

Abstract Socio Environmental Echolocation

Image Sources: FMD

echolocation - a physiological process for locating distant or invisible objects by means of sound waves reflected back to the emitter by the objects

definition source: Merriam Webster

abstract socio environmental echolocation
Collective (un)consciousness may be percieved by active curiosity; throwing things into the void, watching what comes back and what does not. I like Walt Whitman's words though it may not refer to echolocation but follows a similar thread

A Noiseless Patient Spider
By Walt Whitman (1891)
I mark'd where on a little promontory it stood isolated,
Mark'd how to explore the vacant, vast surrounding,
It launched forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself.
Ever unreeling them, ever tirelessly speeding them.

And you O my soul where you stand,
Surrounded, detatched, in measureless oceans of space,
Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing, seeking the spheres to connect them.
Till the bridge you will need be form'd, till the ductile anchor hold,
Till the gossamer thread you fling catch somewhere, O my soul

Poem source - "Whispers of Heavenly Death."* The Broadway, A London Magazine 10 (October 1868) 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Riddle 1#: What am I?

It was you at my conception
Watching part and skin connected
It was at the very moment when you picked me up, accepted
That the memory of me faded from your view
Now it's I who give to you

Your insights and your blindness
Your wickedness and kindness
It is I, who gives you peace
And war
Possibilities and fears
Unspeakable joy and tears

You hear of path,
Or pine,
Or cogitate anew
The way that you once took
Though arduous you find
Me looking back at you.

Then and only then...

Will I concede to you

Riddle Source: Francis Doerksen

Riddle #2: What am I?

What you possess I cannot have
Your wonder and amazement
Your ability to touch and smell, and hear,
Remember things your've seen and tasted
Yet because of you I live and you are wasted

Riddle Source: Francis Doerksen

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


 Image Source: FMD

culture - refers to the characteristic preferences, habits, customs, values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours unique to a particular race, religion or social group.

Image Source: FMD

subculture - is a distinct smaller social group within a larger culture which possesses particular characteristic preferences, habits, customs, values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours.

The collective (un)conscious is more than just shared beliefs and ideas; it is physical and sensory, perhaps it is what we see as culture. It is this physical aspect of the collective that perpetuates the group's existence. The actions, habits, customs, and behaviours of the group then become new sense data; percepts which are then added to the group's beliefs and ideas as the collective grows.

Image Source: FMD
Culture & Subculture